Story of Chinese Checkers Online

Why we started started as a simple idea in April 2020.

One year earlier, I had learnt how to play Halma during a trip in Russia.

Later, I bought a ChineseCheckers board game to play with my friends.
We had a lot of fun and suddenly the lockdown arrived. We could not play together anymore.

I looked for a platform online to play Chinese checkers but unfortunately found nothing. That’s why, I decided to create a Chinese checkers game online to play with my friends and family.
After 2 months working on the project, the first players started to join the community. This is how everything started. In one year, more than 8000 players registered and played around the world.

Thanks for your support

We are a self-funded organisation. A big thank you to you, members who support our work either by playing with friends or via premium memberships.

You are really making the difference every day to help us choose new ideas and make the first platform online/mobile to play Chinese checkers with friends, family.

About me

I am Alexandre, a French native living now in London. I dedicate my free time working on Chinese Checkers online to make it the first platform to play Chinese Checkers with family and friends.

Play and learn Chinese Checkers Online

Up to 6 players!

Games played per day icon~105 Games/Day Chinese checkers community icon66644 Members