🏆 Hall of fame 🏆

Best players achievements

  • 🏆 Bobcarnell for the longest serie of days played in a row with 144
  • 🏆 Yamaguchi for the Biggest number of puzzles completed in a row with 52
  • 🏆 User35969, User96369 for the Quickest game with 0:00:23.955815
  • 🏆 Sajalagarwal, Julia for the Longest game with 2 days, 2:02:11.939705
  • 🏆 User35969, User96369 for the Smallest number of moves in a game with 2 moves
  • 🏆 Arthurshelby, Caitlin2, Chaboi, Bof for the Biggest number of moves in a game with 1804 moves

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